Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention/ “Aftercare” is the time post rehab, which for many, leads to new beginnings.

It offers continuing support for those in sustained recovery. It is additionally coupled with a smaller weekly time commitment.
Aftercare session with a therapist
Long-term sobriety is attainable, however, it doesn’t happen the minute you quit using. It takes the creation and development of a support system. For that reason, at The Raphaelites, we are dedicated to helping everyone acquire support. Likewise, the family, the employer and anyone willing to engage is supported.

Aftercare support system creation and development includes:

Group counseling with qualified addiction specialists
Individual counseling
Education on wellness recovery and resiliency
Family counseling
Long-term sponsor engagement
Group meetings to establish your community support system
Continued support for families, employers, and colleagues, as desired
Alumni recovery program

The Aftercare Program is Key to Sustained Recovery

Relapse is highest for those not proactive and aggressive in managing their recovery. Thus, if untreated, the relapse rates can be as high as 80% within the first year of being treated.

As a result, if a patient successfully completes our treatment program and subsequently participates in an Aftercare Program, the one-year relapse rate can decrease to 15%. Not to mention, the three and five-year relapse rates are 10% and 5% respectively. The Raphaelites Aftercare program is unprecedented, both in its scope and in its advocacy and support for you.

Aftercare leads to New Beginnings
Many in recovery make a dedication in their new-found life successes to helping others recover as well.
Additionally, much like some of our staff, they have proudly become sponsors on the journey to healing.

What Are The Relapse Warning Signs?

Furthermore, unlike narcotics or prescription drugs, alcohol can be purchased by anyone over the age of 21. What’s more, drinking so often takes place in social situations. Thus, its overuse can be gradual and hard to recognize.  

Ultimately, people who suffer from an alcohol addiction need to remain vigilant with their coping mechanisms. Besides, a single drink doesn’t necessarily signal a relapse but could be the start of a slide back into alcohol use.

Typically, people recovering from alcohol use disorder continually need to practice abstinence from alcohol. They are often hesitant to put themselves into situations where alcohol is present for fear of relapse. Yet, even if a person does relapse, that doesn’t mean that their treatment has been a failure.

Moreover, if an individual relapses and re-enters alcohol rehab treatment, the chances are high that they will end up in long-term recovery. Some warning signs of alcohol relapse include:
Firstly, isolating themselves from others,
Secondly, re-establishing relationships with previous “drinking buddies,”
Thirdly, missing meetings or therapy sessions, and
And lastly, talking fondly of alcohol or their drinking days.

Let’s work together:

Premier Facilities
Expert Staff
Freedom from Addiction
Where there’s LIFE … there’s HOPE